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Global Exhibitions Day
Get Ready for #GED19!
The Global Exhibitions Day, GED is held annually on the first Wednesday of June.
This year, #GED19 is therefore set to be celebrated on 5 June 2019!
Key messages for #GED19 :
Exhibitions are a large global industry
Exhibitions are an effective and sustainable way of doing business
Exhibitions can contribute to a sustainable world
The Exhibition industry offers a variety of job opportunities
Who is it for: GED is open to all who are interested in increasing the visibility of the Exhibition Industry regionally but also on a global scale. In the previous editions, this initiative mobilised thousands of industry professionals all over the world: Associations, exhibition organizers, venues, service providers, universities and individual professionals.
How can you contribute: GED includes a broad mix of activities, both onsite and online, to promote exhibitions as business platforms as well as career and business development opportunities in the industry. Events and activities are arranged by many of the international and national organizers, by venues, by service providers, and also by national and regional associations. A GED Project and Activity Tool has been set up, where your projects and activities can be registered;…;
Please note, only registered activities and projects in the GED Project and Activity Tool are eligible for the Global Exhibitions Day Awards Competition.
For more details, kindly visit: