News/News Detail

AFECA AGM 2017 - Travel Info in South Taiwan


Dear Members,

AFECA holds its Annual General Meeting, and many other meetings year long. This limited special edition eNewsletter provides practical and travel information on upcoming meetings and its location, and is available to Board and Advisory Council members only.

This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held from September 5th to 6th in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Located in the heart of southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung and its surrounding areas provide many tourism opportunities. In addition to Kaohsiung itself, cities such as Tainan and Pingtung are within an hour away, and all have their own unique aspects that annually attract tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world to their tourist attractions.

Special links to the Tourism Bureau of Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung are provided within this special eNewsletter. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, I also encourage all members to plan a trip around southern Taiwan and understand the rich history of Tainan, the hustle and bustle of Kaohsiung, the seaside resorts of Pingtung, and much more.

Plan your trip today, and don’t forget to attend the Annual General Meeting with all other fellow AFECA members!

I look forward to welcoming everyone to Kaohsiung, and hear the stories about your journey around southern Taiwan.


Walter Yeh
President of AFECA

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